decide to dream BIG

A Trip to Ghana in 2014, standing on the land that is now the entrance to our children’s home.

Can you believe that we are in our last month of 2016! Wow did this year go by so fast. I had a feeling going into 2016 that it was going to be my year! It is like everything that God had put on my heart was coming to life.

God brought HIS vision and purpose for my life to light! He brought this vision to pass! Not only did the Village open for these children but I graduated from UNC, got to travel Europe with my friends, move to Africa, have two of my best friends spend a month with me in Ghana, start working with the children I have prayed for my entire life and now see how God is expanding this vision even greater, even more than I thought possible so soon after we officially opened. I used to think  nothing could top all the amazing events of 2016, but I have a feeling God will continue to surprise me in 2017! The best is yet to come:) Feeling hopeful, excited, inspired and in awe of what is happening.

God is amazing! This is what I want to share with you it is okay to dream big, it is amazing to dream big! It is important to dream big, in fact it is completely necessary to dream big. God is honored and pleased by our willingness to dream the impossible, why?

Because it can only be done through and with Him.

People used to laugh at me when I spoke about my dream as a young child of wanting to build an orphanage, and now look what God has done! In fact look at what God is just beginning. This is His project, He will NEVER leave you, He will only equip you and surround you with a team to help build and sustain your vision. This is what He is doing in my life and in PNN!

To anyone who is reading this and doesn’t know what your future holds, or where you future is heading … please continue reading

you don’t need all the answers, you don’t need to know everything. Find out what breaks your heart, what moves your spirit, where does your compassion derive from? There you have found your passion, your purpose, your calling. I found what breaks my heart, and I pray that God would continue to break my heart for what breaks His. We have a short life and I refuse to live without a purpose, I refuse to live for myself and out of my own selfishness. So many people are afraid to surrender their lives into God’s hands because they are fearful of missing out on what the world has to offer. Try listening to this song it really is moving, powerful and describes asking for the father’s heart.

click here to listen

There is nothing this world could offer that could EVER compare to what God can offer, He WILL take you places that you couldn’t dream of going and he will expand your dream and vision so far beyond your comprehension. I find hope in my God purpose and a future. Because He first loved me so much that He sent His son to die for me, so that I could live according to His plan for this life of mine.

We have a BIG God who is worthy of asking for BIG DREAMS. I once heard that if your dreams aren’t scaring you then you aren’t dreaming big enough.

You see God doesn’t care about your transcript, your social media following, He doesn’t care about your ability, experience, education or resources. He cares about your willingness to say YES, your heart and its sincerity that what you do, is done for Him.

That is the beauty, that the things we ask God for are SO big that it could ONLY be accomplished by HIS hands, in HIS timing according to HIS will for our lives. TO him be the Glory. We are vessels that CAN transform this world if we allow ourselves to surrender and let Him use us. Don’t you want something to look forward to everyday, to live for? Don’t you to find something new to celebrate in each day, even if things are tough. I know I want to celebrate my life each and every day.

Because we only get one life.

I want to you to ask yourself what am I living for?

If you are wanting to seek more feel free to email me if you want to chat deeper about what all of this means. You are loved.


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